Saturday, June 21, 2008


This is my first attempt at writing something that's a bit (not romantic), but involving a girl all the same. It's rather crude and i know that, to describe a thing as looking at a girl using a piece of poetry, but I was rather convinced otherwise, for there doesn't exist a single adolescent who doesn't do it con temporarily.

The 'Malena' act is nothing alien to those who'd seen Giuseppe Tornatore's (Correct me if I'm wrong!) Malena, a movie starring a really stunning Monica Belluci as Malena, and the act is just the fascination of an adolescent boy, as he follows her everyday, and just keeps looking at her, which in turn makes him think of her. This poem's nothing but the very same adolescent experience of looking at a beautiful girl (Or woman) from afar. Not a personal experience, by the way!


Not Uncommon is the ‘Malena’ act
These days; Not much required, except for some tact,
To see without being seen seeing,
Or showing any allusion as to where you’re being.
Countability always comes with sample spaces,
And of all the sights you see, of all the gazes,
Some spend days of retinal stay,
Some spend weeks, and some months, they say
(Our beloved viddiers, in Kubrick’s words).
Seen a lone dove or a flock of such birds,
Atypical is a year-long stay,
‘Cause sight of another casts the old one away.
The rarest of the rare, always exist;
One in a million comes to break the gist,
By lingering in your mind’s eye, not budging,
Staying there for eternity and still nudging,
Deeper and Deeper inside, into your heart,
Where she resides indefinitely, with no penchant to part.
When there’s such beauty, we don’t call her a sight;
A seraph’s what I’d call her, an angel’s quite right
Too. This delirium of mine’s due to the sight of one,
Not in my reverie brothers, but right under the sun.
This rhyme’s meant to tell you what I saw,
To share my experience, my marvel and my awe…


Sudang said...

I don't know you personally, neither am I a great reader. I am an ordinary fellow who just knows some comprehension.
Dude your Poem rocked (on many accounts).To think of stuff and to put it in words to say maybe is easy but when i think that if i had written one similar to yours(leave alone that one),i would have struggled because the thought process associated is really huge and complex( atleast for me).Simply amazing work.Congrats and move on.
Friend of Your Friend
(Maybe I KNOW YOU but i know too many karthik's to find which one you are)
and lo you need to have atleast that a number greater than 10 visitors(maybe you are having right now,gok)
take care

Karthik Purushothaman said...

Maybe I know you too, but I know some Sudarshans too to be able to rightly place you :) Perhaps we could do with a slight Intro dude.

Karthik Purushothaman said...

Okay I found you out ultimately then :P