Thursday, May 1, 2008

Horton lives life on anime

This is actually a review that i have attempted to send to a newspaper, another first on my list, and i don't know whether i'm gonna be successful. But i'm still satisfied all the same, for i've expressed what went through my mind, totally.
Personally i think, and i know that hollywood's anime movies are way better than our own tamil crap. So, i venture to see any anime movie, ahead of any buzzing new release (Dasavatharam, for that matter). I frankly have got to say, i was looking at a dreamer, someone who is an exaggerated version of myself, (both in mind, and of course, in size!!!) in horton the elephant. The questions he asks, and the things he thinks, and of course, the depiction of everything in the film can be drawn parallel to an everyday occurence. It's a fantasy, a marvellous adaptation of human life to be portrayed by animals and other creatures. And of course, the animation is fantastic, and the overall effect of the movie is bittersweet, though initially hilarious.
One thing i didn't like in the movie was the sense of Americanism that ran throughout the movie. A Kangaroo villain, a vulture named Vlad, that speaks English with a Russian accent.
Come on! Russians ain't vultures!!!


FILM: Dr.Seuss’ Horton hears a who
DIRECTOR: Jimmy Hayward, Steve Martino
: Jim Carrey, Steve Carell, Carol Burnett, Will Arnett, Isla Fisher, Seth Rogen
: ****

20th Century fox’s Horton Hears a Who is a refreshing break from the monotonous life we lead, as it provides a journey through the triviality of life, and those silly little enigmas that are often brushed aside by us.

A piece of cinema that takes you into it seldom makes you look for credibility: Flaws show nowhere when you ingest a movie totally, and Horton is one such. Horton (Carrey) an elephant, comes across a speck that speaks to him, and he comes to know that the voice belongs to a rather grumpy Mayor (Carell) in a world called Whoville which is subjected to strange climatic changes, and must be taken to a safe place at once. Horton volunteers, but is confronted by a vulture called Vlad along with a battalion of apes, hired by a power-mongering lady Kangaroo (Carol). Whether he manages to save Whoville, and whether he manages to convince the wicked Roo is the plot.

Horton is a refreshing movie, particularly noteworthy because of a narration that actually rhymes, and some extreme digital animation that makes the first ten-minute sequence of the speck’s journey a marvel. Equally awing are Horton’s acrobatics, and a sequence in a gigantic clover field that is so lush, you can smell it.

It has a refrain in the narration, and also in Horton’s quotes: “A person’s a person, however small”. It lives up to it, interestingly, for in no place is a meander from the main stream. The movie is feel-good stuff, no doubt, but it still is quite deep, exploring the nuances of truth, belief, godliness, and the power innocence has in this world.

A must watch to quench this summer’s thirst for good movies. And of course, Horton is for all ages; After all, a person’s still a person, however small!!!

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